world mission society church of god virginia newport news summer sizzler 5k volunteer run 286

Summer Sizzler 5K Run

“Thank you so much for coming,” remarked one racer while running towards the finish line of the Summer Sizzler 5K Run. She was speaking to one of the many Church of God volunteers there to cheer on more than 300 racers as they ran or walked to support cancer research at St. Jude Medical Center.

The yellow-shirted volunteers arrived an hour before the race began to help set up. At the beginning of the race, volunteers donned bright smiles and chanted high-energy cheers to motivate the racers as they warmed up on the boardwalk.

“I heard you guys out here early this morning singing and shouting. You all keep up the good work,” said a passerby.

“Go! Go! You can do it! You are almost there!” Shouted volunteers while clapping and encouraging the race participants throughout the duration of the race.

“You guys are so awesome and so sweet, thank you so much,” said Rachel, who completed her first 5K during this race. Rachel was inspired to run the 5K after reuniting with her biological family whom she hadn’t seen since her childhood. She said she felt so much love and support from the Church of God volunteers.

The Church of God members’ moral support didn’t stop at the finish line; they led a frenzy of cheers during the awards ceremony too. They also helped clean and pack up after the entire event concluded.

“You guys were great! So many racers thanked me for having you all come and support us. I hope we can work with each other again in the future,” said Russ Turner, Road Rage Events CEO.

The Church of God in Virginia Beach volunteers are glad that many people were touched during the Summer Sizzler 5K Run, and hope that their actions will lead others to carry out the same type of good deeds in and around their communities.

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world mission society church of god virginia newport news summer sizzler 5k volunteer run 286

Summer Sizzler 5K Run

The Church of God in Virginia Beach cheered on the runners at the Summer Sizzler 5K Run, encouraging participants with motivating chants to push forward to the end.

11 Responses

  1. WMSCOG members are giving passion and strength to people, and they also share the love of God the Mother.

    1. This is an amazing organization that really shows​ the love of God through actions and good deeds in the community. Most importantly, the Bible​ studies make the words of God so clear and easy to understand for our salvation!

  2. Wow, I remember this event. It was so exciting and encouraging. I had only been a member of the WMSCOG for about 6 months at the time and I already felt like family. From that time on I’ve been to almost every event and community service. If you are looking to participate in our next community service please join us =) you’ll have a blast.

  3. WMSCOG members give their all in whatever they do with bright smiles!! They are prime examples of showing the love of Mother to the world.

  4. Wow! The race looks like so much fun! The Church of God really shows the love of God to everyone. It’s so motivating have people to cheer you on!

  5. It’s so refreshing to see a church that is actively carrying out the passion and love of God through good deeds and actions all over the world! The WMSCOG is an amazing church that keeps all of the commands that Christ taught wholeheartedly!

  6. This is so beautiful to see so many excited people of all races and ages come together with the same heart full of love! This type of work only happens through unity and truly it’s shown through the wmscog.

  7. Through their numerous community services, the Church of God members continue to share the love of God Elohim in serving others. It is truly an amazing feeling to be able to serve the community and members of the Church of God practice this love wholeheartedly to shine the glory of God Elohim.

  8. I was there and it was so much fun! Cheering on everybody and making them feel they were accomplishing an important task. Handing out water to whomever needed it. It was one of my first volunteer activities with the Church and it was enjoyable. I remember how fun it was marching down the sidewalk with everybody singing and people all around us smiling. Truly a wonderful day!

  9. I’m so thankful to be a part of this amazing volunteer group. I enjoyed every moment cheering & helping the runners make it to the finish line. To see their eargerness to finish the race gave me joy to cheer them on. This was such an amazing event!

  10. Wow! I remember this event! It was such an amazing experience to cheer on the runners to help for a bigger cause! Everyone had such a good time and even the runners were so happy and felt like we gave them strength to finish the race! The World Mission Society Church of God has been so inspiring to me and I love this church so much! Not just the community services are great but even the Bible studies they hold are so full of love and truth! <3. Thank God Elohim!!!

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