world mission society church of god fairfax virigina seal of god seminar george mason university 4

Seal of God Bible Seminar at George Mason University

Typically, students in college are eager to receive an education to prepare them for life ahead. However, on September 14, a group of students at George Mason University met after classes in the Hub Building for an education to nurture their spiritual life.

SERVE, a campus Bible study group composed of members of the World Mission Society Church of God, who are also GMU students, hosted the Seal of God Bible seminar.

Before starting the seminar, attendees had a chance to socialize and get to know each other. Many studied different majors and lived on different sides of the campus. But they all had the same goal — an earnest desire to study the Bible and understand its prophecies.

The seminar kicked off with an icebreaker. Everyone had to choose three survival items they would need in an emergency situation. They chose food, shelter, and water. After all, these are basic survival necessities. The host then asked students to eliminate two of their choices. Surprisingly, they all had one choice — shelter.

The icebreaker segued into the seminar presentation. The topic of the seminar emphasized the need for protection in times of distress and danger. Through the Bible, participants learned that God puts a seal on His people to protect them in times of danger.

As the speaker asked, “Then, how can we receive the seal of God?” everyone seemed intrigued. Once again referring to the Scriptures, the students saw the way to acquire the seal of God — through the New Covenant Passover. They were fascinated.

Overall, the attendees were very happy with the first SERVE seminar of the semester. They also expressed their interest in more on- and off-campus SERVE activities, including community services, seminars, and fellowships. Not only do they have an interest in furthering their education at George Mason but they feel a need to feed their spirits as well.

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18 Responses

  1. Most college student live life as if they are invincible. It’s awesome to see a group of students take interest in what will really last forever. Way to go SERVE!

  2. Way better than any class at the Catholic, or Liberty University. I wasn’t based on knowledge or theology, but on Gods eagerness to protect us. Beautiful 🙂

  3. I got to attend to one of this seminar. Bible studys are so Amazing. Church of God such a impact to society and to University’s around USA.

  4. Although college life is busy and time consuming, these students are a vivid example that there’s always time to get spiritual education as well.

  5. Amazing way to help students believe in the lost mysteries in the bible. The Church of God truely cares for all walks of life, from the your to the old!

  6. Just, wow! It’s inspiring to see a group of young college student setting aside time to feed their spirit. I remember being in school and wishing I had made more effort to study the Bible and have a group of fellow students to do it with. What a lucky bunch at GMU!

  7. Good job SERVE! Students in college usually have busy schedules. It’s great to see students make time to attend seminars and study the Bible together. This is an awesome group.

  8. This bible study group is amazing! Most students are really busy with homework and exams but these students who balance both school and their Spiritual life are true examples that we should emulate. Keep up the good work!

  9. Wow!! Praise God Elohim!! They’re receiving both physical education & most important spiritual education that will lead to true protection in heaven!! Amazing job SERVE!!

  10. Amazing…to receive spiritual education & partake of it the protection to have!! Thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for this group, SERVE!!!!

  11. I like the name! The ice breaker was a smart idea. I hope SERVE has many more seminars that will intrigue students to be a part of something really great!

  12. Great start! ANIMO~~ May Father and Mother bless Virginia Zion with beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit through the Bible Seminar 🙂

  13. Its great to see students take time from their busy schedules to study the prophecies of the bible and learn the way God protects us in the time of disaster. Great Job SERVE!

  14. I remember when my sister first invited me to a bible study while I was in college. We never feel like we have time in school but somehow God moves us to go anyways. It was the best decision of my life so I am very excited to see other students making the same decision with the best organization EVER!

  15. We come across many things in our daily lives and in some of them, we can even find the truths of life, as the Bible testifies. The Spirit and the Bride have come with living water of the new covenant to give to all of us.

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