Feasts of God
Sacred Assemblies
God gave us His feasts for the purpose of knowing Him and receiving the blessings of salvation. The Bible consistently emphasizes the inseparable connection between God’s Feasts and Zion, described as God’s eternal dwelling place. Therefore, observing God’s Feasts requires us to go to Zion, as consistently taught in the Bible.
God chose Zion as His eternal dwelling place (Ps 132:13–16). To meet God and experience His blessings, we must go to Zion.
The scriptures explicitly point out Zion as God’s church where His feasts are kept, emphasizing the importance of observing these holy days (Isa 33:20).
The Bible introduces seven holy festivals in Leviticus 23, including Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Firstfruits, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. These feasts are grouped into three times during the year (Deut 16:16).
While the feasts were observed in the Old Testament, Jesus and the Early Church continued keeping them in a distinct manner during the establishment of the New Covenant (Mt 26:17–28, Lk 22:7–20, Acts 2:1–4, Jn 7:2, 37–39).
Today, the World Mission Society Church of God stands as Zion, keeping the true New Covenant Feasts of God according to Christ’s teachings. People worldwide are streaming to the Church of God to observe the feasts and receive blessings and salvation directly from God. Visit your nearest Church of God for an in-depth study and understanding of Zion and God’s feasts.
Unleavened Bread

Feasts of Weeks

Feast of Tabernacles